Asshats Galore!


You know, I sat down and engaged the Internet, looking for ideas for marketing self-published books. I found a lot of fantastic advice and ideas. CreateSpace has a great community where one can also find a great deal of information.

I also found a bunch of asshats talking about how self-published authors are lazy. Too lazy to lay the groundwork to query publishers or agents. Well, asshats, I did query. I got rejected. Then I got depressed and put my book, Someday Always Comes, on the shelf. I thought, well it’s not good enough. I was correct. It wasn’t good enough for publication. Period.

Over a period of nearly a decade, I reworked the story. Cleaned up Tense, and corrected grammar. I worked hard. And the day I decided that I would self-publish my book, I made a dedicated choice to work even harder. For eight months, I edited non-stop, losing sleep, pissing off friends and family, losing friends and pets. I went without food. Without sleep. I was grouchy. Pissy. Happy. Sad. Angry. Impatient. Everything got on my nerves, especially my day job.

Here’s the thing, I worked doubly, triply hard. I worked harder than any author with a highly-paid editor. So go piss off you bunch of lazy morons who need editors and agents to publish your first…and every book. Who’s lazy now?

So, next I have to market. I didn’t really market before I published. I spread the word through Facebook, Twitter, the place where I work. Word of mouth works better than I thought! Anyway, even though I already planned on doing book signings, etc. I decided to study one marketing outlet at a time and did research today on online marketing. I started only with CreateSpace’s community, and that research led me all over the Web to writer and author outlets and resources I never knew existed. Wow!

I began my search around 10:30am and ended it at about 4:30pm. Geeze, I wonder if the asshats with agents and editors would’ve taken the time to do all that? Probably not, since the publisher, agent and editor take care of all that marketing and publicity shit.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Hellz yeah, if an agent or editor of a publishing house was interested in me, I might jump on that bandwagon. Especially if they wanted Someday Always Comes. Why? I’m so proud of that work, and even with mistakes (more than likely) still embedded within its pages, I love it more than I love myself. And trust me, that’s a lot of love.

What is this blog about, you ask? Who the hell knows? I just wanted to say something back to the asshats who say that those who self-publish are lazy. No, when you have everyone else doing your work for you…That’s slothful.

I am an artist. I will create. I will fix. I will outwork the asshats and be proud.

Someday Always Comes Finalized & On Sale

Hi all!

My novel, Someday Always Comes, has been finalized and published. Yay! It is available in paperback on my CreateSpace store via the link below. It’ll be available in e-book shortly. It takes a few days to hit where it’ll be listed in both paperback & e-book as well. And, maybe it’ll go on sale soon at a local big-box store in my area. Exciting! But, we must be patient. Hmm… Regardless, I’ll keep everyone updated. Thank you for your support!