Conspiracy – What’s It Mean?


I posed this on my private Facebook page and I thought I’d present this question on my blog here as well. This will also feed to Twitter, my Facebook author page and other sites. I hope you will lend me some feedback if the subject strikes you as interesting at all. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.  🙂

From Facebook:

HELP! What do you think of when you see or hear the word, CONSPIRACY?

Is a conspiracy only a plan for the future, or something that has occurred in the past? Or can a conspiracy remain so even as it’s being played out? Does that make sense?

I’m asking because I am struggling with using it in a book title. Some of you may recall my “The Adam Conspiracy” which is the working title of one of my babies that’s been on the shelf, then off again, for years. I pull it out for inspiration usually. But I believe the time is coming for it to not go back upon the shelf. Now I am struggling with the title. It’s always kept me focused, but I am not sure what “The Adam Conspiracy” will mean to a person before they read the back cover or skim a page.

Summer of Zombie 2015 #SummerofZombie

Dying Days


It’s coming… June 2015 will see the most fun and the most zombie authors I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with on one of these annual tours. 

Over the next month you’ll meet all of them and I suggest you get familiar with their work if you are a zombie fan, because these are some of my favorites as well as a few new authors I’ve just met who I’m looking forward to reading, hanging out with and hopefully having on future #SummerofZombie tours!

As well, all of the many interviews, guest posts and book teasers will be emanating from this website this year, so make sure you subscribe to it so you don’t miss a post… and feel free to reblog and share any and all posts you like to help out the authors! That’s what this event is all about… to get readers in front of new…

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Poesy plus Polemics

"Grand Ole Opry" Nashville, Tennessee Photo from “Grand Ole Opry”
Nashville, Tennessee
Photo from

vagrants and vagabonds
tramp without leaving
so much as a footprint
in whindust of railroad beds
peripatetic gray phantoms
pedestrian journeyers
trekking from alley to alley
propelled by the turns in
the weather of whims
unnoticed by privilege
they carry their meager
estates on their backs
never owning a need
for a lock or a key keeping
sane if not safe mumbling
songs to themselves
music raised from mean
circumstance root-grown
resigned to serial failure
only to fall further victim
to those who will cleverly
plagiarize misery balladeer
bandits who turn these
poor stories to fortune
and twang under spotlights
bejeweling the stage of
the famed Grand Ole Opry
but on second thought
maybe this process
redeems itself broadcasting
voices of indigence
not likely otherwise heard
in the salons aloof disengaged
and exceeding respectable
quotients of Barbary ethics

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