Throwback Thursday

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!… Introducing “Throwback Thursday” here on my blog! Throwback Thursdays are a way for me to share a little more of myself with my blog readers on a more personal level. I hope you’ll not be shy; join me and share any stories you may have on the subjects I post.

I thought today was as good a day as any to introduce Throwback Thursday. Why? Because I am thankful for the memories. I am thankful for all I got to see and experience in my lifetime thus far and I am so looking forward to more. So here goes!

Well, it’s no secret I was born in 1969. I graduated high school in 1987, and I have two older siblings. My sister, who is about 10 years older than I, and my brother who is 4+ years older. Their tastes in music, movies, trends, clothing and food preferences did influence me to some extent, I know, as did Chicago. I am very much a child of the 70s & 80s, that’s for sure. But I also spent many years away from the big city, and away from my siblings, growing up in rural Texas. I’ve found that my parents’ and my step-father’s tastes in various things also play a part of who I am today. When I post a throwback from my life, there’s sure to be a memory connected.

Please feel free to leave comments on my posts and share your own stories as well.

So on each Throwback Thursday, I’ll be posting some old favorite of mine, or something that totally belongs to my adolescent years. The blogs will come from music, TV, movies, fashion, fads, food, drinks, and so forth. Hence, forthcoming are my memories.

Let’s start with something that many people remember, or have seen somewhere before…maybe on cable TV or on the Internet, or maybe like me, you spent time watching this show. Let’s face it, they can film as many re-creations of it as they like, but there will never…ever…ever be another Crockett & Tubbs as they were played by Don Johnson & Philip Michael Thomas on the hit show, Miami Vice (1984-1990). They were a big part of my teen years and I loved Don Johnson more than life itself. Me and a friend of mine had Miami Vice parties where we drank Boone’s Farm Tickle Pink and ate junk food while watching the show. Miami Vice and its cast are forever in my heart. Thanks for memories.

Find out more about Miami Vice here:



Happy Thanksgiving!

happy thanksgiving

Here’s wishing all my blog readers, fans, supporters, family and friends a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to thank the spirits of the food you consume on Thanksgiving – whether it be of animal or plant. Without them, we would not survive.

Let’s look back; take note. We should be thankful for not only the good things that have happened to us since last Thanksgiving, but also be reflective and mindful of the lessons left behind by the not-so-nice experiences we were met with.

We all have to endure things, circumstances, situations, that we do not like; that are hard on us and those we love. The only thing we can do is grin and bear it. The truth is, we all have a story and we should try to be more tolerant of one another. If you have a problem, someone else probably has one worse or more traumatic. As humans, it seems we’ve lost our empathy; our sympathy. We are fast becoming a cold nation, one of emotional deadbeats. But we have to rise above these urges to not care. We must! For the sake of our home, our planet and everything else upon it.

My Thanksgiving wish is for people to stop killing each other in the streets for no apparent reason. This is ridiculous behavior and does not make us “big men.” It’s simple to shoot down unarmed people for no reason. Let’s pray for the safety, health and well being of our young, and for humane treatment of animals. May we wake up soon and realize that we must work to protect our planet. We should not sit back and think “I don’t have to worry about global warming or “fracking” (fill in the blank with any earth-destroying topic), I’ll be dead before we see the sad outcome.” Really? That’s what I thought back in 1989. I’ve seen it already.

When I light my Thanksgiving candle, I will entreat to my gods, and the spirit of the Earth, for the children so they may hold steadfast against crack, meth, cocaine, and little pills with odd names…among other things. May they stand tall against bullies who hate themselves really, and not those they tease and pick on. I mean…my grandmother once said, “The way a woman keeps her house is how she keeps her soul.” What she meant is that how a woman tends to her physical home and her home life is reflective of her soul. This goes for bullies too. How they are treating another is a mirrored image of their damaged soul. We should contemplate peace so that all children will have no need to hate…and that what ever is being said or done to them to cause them to mistreat another child for a no good reason will be resolved.

Light a candle with me and impose your wishes on the universe. But, I hope those wishes be not for yourself, but for another. And if you do not pray to any god, then please keep pleasant thoughts about the world on this Thanksgiving day so that positive energy may encircle the globe.

Have a blessed & genuine Thanksgiving, my friends.

She Is A Truck Driver

I have a CDL. I went through truck diving school to drive an 18-wheeler. I spent very little time on the road, however, unlike some women who do this for a living.

Driving is hard enough on men, so can sometime prove even more difficult for women who are often smaller in frame and height. Too often we forget that women do this for a living. Yes, they choose it, and are quite often wonderful at it.

Truck driving gives one a sense of freedom to some extent. Just drive the truck, get where you’re going, and no one heckles you (or so you hope!). You don’t have to stay in the same area as your boss either which is great. But, there are downsides too. Bad weather, for one. It’s not safe often for ladies to be on the road alone. Traffic…because car driver DO NOT know how to drive around trucks. And I mean, none of you. You think trucks are like cars, SUVs or pickup trucks, but that’s absolutely not true. I once wrote a MySpace blog about how to…or not to…drive around trucks. I think I shall write a WordPress blog about that too so I can education my wonderful readers on driving around trucks. I’m sure you’ll go…”I had no idea”…at least once.

But in the meantime, I’d like to leave you with this. And I hope you’ll think about it a bit. Maybe, it might even encourage some of the ladies to look at driving a rig as a career. The author of this is unknown so far.


She’s a big girl, she’s a small girl.
She comes in all sizes and shapes: short, tall, skinny and fat.
Laughing and serious, happy and sad.
She’s transportation with a grin on her face; distribution with a cocked left eyebrow.
She’s progress with diesel fumes in her hair. She makes her living holding 10 tons of steel in her hands. She has highways in her eyes. She’s a truck driver.

She hauls milk for the nation’s babies, dresses for the nation’s ladies.
Steel for our country’s defense, and bread for the nation’s breakfast tables.
She likes straight highways, slot machines that payoff, friendly cops and bonus checks.
The road’s her home. She drives today so the world can live tomorrow.
Laughing, she’s tough enough to hold her cargo against a hurricane, and gentle enough to stop 10 tons of wheeled steel to let a 12 ounce kitten cross the road.

She can tell you where to get the best piece of apple pie on the highway, and where the radar traps are, and which road to take to make the fastest time.
She hates, in the order named, phonies, road-hogs, tough traffic cops, highway weigh stations, small town justices of the peace, steep hills, cackling cargo, and a weak coffee.
She’s America on wheels. She’s big business with a road map in her pocket. She’s a truck driver.

Without her, there would be no gasoline to run the nation’s automobiles, no steel to make the machines, no concrete to build the highways, no merchandise to spin the wheels of trade.
She has eyes that look over mountains; she likes to see the other side of hills.
She eats better than bankers, dresses like a Texas rancher, is more independent than a newly elected senator. She’s an authority on politics, highway construction, baseball, and the best way to run a trucking company.

She likes the feel of the night wind on her face and the sound of a purring motor.
She lives by the code of the road and passes no man by who needs a helping hand.
She’s got problems and is not bashful in airing complaints about the state of the world at large.

Every trip she threatens to get off the road and live like other women, but she never does. The highway is a flirting Lorelei who hums a haunting tune for the women who chase the horizon on spinning wheels. And when the tires sing, the road is straight, and the moon is bright on a ribbon of cross country highway, she’s the happiest, most useful woman in America. She’s a truck driver.

-Author unknown

Writers and Their Rejections

Interesting… Take a look.

Crows Dream

Rejection Therapy logo

Most of the writers I’ve known over the decades had one goal in mind – publication. They reached for the gold standard of traditional publishing. Most of them never got there. It usually had little to do with their talent.

Many of these writers deserved better. They should have been published. Their work was excellent, polished and moving. But, somewhere along the line, they gave up. They reached an impenetrable bulwark that sidetracked their work and talent. It was the wall of rejection and, for some very talented writers, it was too much to overcome.

Rejection is a tough issue for anyone. In the world of writing, it’s inevitable. For those writers who set the gold standard of publication for themselves, it sometimes became the breaking point. Understandable, right?. However, for those writers who eventually made it through the desert of rejection, there was a potent reward waiting.

The question…

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