Permanent Spring Showers is coming! February 5th!

The Musings & Artful Blunders of Scott D. Southard

Permanent Spring ShowersGreetings my beautiful readers!

I’m happy (and proud) to announce that my new novel is hitting the shelves on February 5th.

Published by 5 Prince Books, Permanent Spring Showers is a work of literary fiction, filled with scandals, surprises, art, humor, romance (i.e., sex), and manipulation. Here is the back cover description of the work:

Professor Rebecca Stanley-Wilson is having a very bad season. Her husband has just admitted to having an affair. And it was with one of her students.

Blame it on a desire for revenge (or way too much alcohol), she then has had one of her own. Unfortunately for her, her affair was with one of the great upcoming painters of his generation. The ramifications of that one torrid evening will not only be felt across her life but over the entire art world.

Sexy, funny, and very surprising, Permanent Spring Showers is the tale of…

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How well should your characters know themselves?

Creative Writing with the Crimson League

Who are your characters really? You might know. But should THEY? Who are your characters really? You might know. But should THEY?

Today I want to talk about an interesting facet of being human, one that can very much influence character development in our fiction and help make our characters–whether protagonists, antagonists, or supporting cast–feel more β€œreal.”

The idea for this post came to me reflecting on one of my favorite prayers. I try to say it every morning (or at least most mornings.) It rings very true to me. I like this prayer because I know myself well enough to know that my greatest weakness are probably not what I think they are, nor do I really understand my strengths.

(That’s going to be the main point of this post, by the way: how well do we really know ourselves? How well do our characters? So bear with me.)

The prayer comes from Thomas Merton. The part of it that…

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Daniel Beers ‘The Last House’ Review

Horror Novel Reviews

Written by: Myra Gabor

Bryan and Julie Dylan are a married couple who are not speaking to each other. Julie gave birth to a stillborn child and Bryan is convinced the baby wasn’t his. Julie knows it wasn’t. Bryan gets even by cheating on her. They can’t seem to get past what Julie thinks of as The Incident. They only things they have in common anymore are the bills and the apartment.

When their realtor calls with an amazing house at an amazing price that they can actually afford, they decide that this could be the restart of their marriage.

Instead of the realtor, a neighbor meets them to give them the house key. He seems inordinately happy that they intend to move in. The house is perfectly maintained, inside, as well as out. They explore and everything they see convinces them that this is the house for them.


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